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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021


  Les résultats de recherches approfondies ont montré de grandes perspectives pour l'industrie du jeu en ligne.  Le marché des casinos en ligne en pleine croissance génère actuellement plus de 70 billions de dollars par an.  C'était un énorme défi de rivaliser avec les géants de l'industrie;  Cependant, nous avions déjà notre vision de créer une solution unique basée sur les technologies modernes de la blockchain, la conception de jeux innovante, ainsi que notre approche totalement nouvelle de la prestation de services, avec des systèmes de paiement traditionnels et des crypto-monnaies. Avec des outils et des technologies de pointe, et une approche professionnelle du développement logiciel de pointe, Blockcasino a lancé un projet basé sur les besoins des clients et des fournisseurs de services.  Nos solutions pour les entreprises de casino en ligne se distinguent par leur facilité de configuration et leur flexibilité.  Notre mission est de fournir les meilleurs outils pour


  BlockCasino Bună tuturor, ce mai faceți? Dacă sunteți interesat să vă alăturați proiectului,  Block Casino  ar trebui să citească informații care vă vor ajuta să găsiți informații care vă pot ajuta să vă vedeți viziunea și misiunea. # BLC  # Publicsale  # Bonus  # blockcasino  # BTC  # ETH Afacere  BlockCasino. BlockCasino este o platformă de integrare care, profitând de avantajele blockchain-ului, le va permite investitorilor să devină parteneri afiliați și să își personalizeze propriul cazinou online. Pentru a fi partener afiliat al BlockCasino și pentru a putea începe să vă personalizați cazinoul online odată ce platforma este activă, trebuie doar să aveți o sumă de 1500 USD în jetoane BLC în portofelul dvs. și să vă conectați la platforma noastră din portofelul dvs. erc-20 și începe procesul de personalizare a cazinoului online. Acest nou model ICO vine cu faptul că este posibil ca investitorii să aibă un drept real asupra unui proiect și, de asemenea, să participe la beneficiile

BlockCasino business

  BlockCasino business   BlockCasino business. BlockCasino is an integration platform that, taking advantage of the benefits of the blockchain, will allow its investors holders to become an Affiliate Partner and customize their own online casino. To be an affiliate partner of BlockCasino and be able to start customizing your online casino once the platform is active, you only need to have a sum of $ 1500 in BLC tokens in your hold wallet and connect to our platform from your erc-20 wallet and start the personalization process of your online casino. This new ICO model comes with making it possible for investors to have a real right over a project and also to participate in its benefits and developments. The BlockCasino team’s ideology is that investors cannot only be speculators, but they must also be a key piece for the performance and growth of the ecosystem. The union between future Affiliate Partner investors and BlockCasino will demonstrate how important teamwork is to a project. W

COBALT LEND-A new way for small businesses to borrow & lend capital!

  The blockchain technology that empowers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum and peer-to-peer lending is a natural fit that might help overcome some of the inherent problems with many P2P lending platforms today. Many experts predict that the blockchain technology will prove itself as a groundbreaking innovation leading to a new economic system often referred to as the blockchain economy. In this new economic system, rules defined by smart contracts will make sure that agreed-upon transactions are enforced autonomously. Therefore, peer-to-peer lending in many ways seems like the perfect use case for the blockchain technology as it potentially enables lending platforms to establish a business model much less dependent on trust relations between lenders and borrowers than what we see today. To existing P2P lending platforms, banks, and credit unions, however, blockchain technology poses a serious threat if they are not able to innovate and utilize the possibilities contained in t